Monday, March 25, 2013

the mask

If only this post were about this mask...

Instead it is about my blue mask.  Today I was fitted for the mask I am going to wear during radiation.  You can't move at all during radiation because many beams are being shot through you and they need to hit very specified areas.  For some cases, in order in insure accuracy, the patient is tattooed at the point where the beam will hit.  My father had cancer when I was a senior in high school and this is what they did for him.  He still has little dot tattoos from when he had radiation.  I never expected to get any tattoos, ever.  Alas, I will not have to.  Instead I get a mask.  Today was just my radiation simulation, not the actual radiation, so I am a little foggy on the exact details of the process... Apparently I will lay on a table and my mask will be placed on my face and shoulders, and they will sort of "screw" it into place in the table... so I really can't move at all.  Then I will get radiation for like 5-10 minutes.  They'll unscrew the mask and I am off on my way.  I will do this everyday Monday-Friday for 6-7 weeks.  Could be worse.
Today they had me change into a gown and they laid me on a table to get a CT scan.  It was unlike any other CT scan I have had before.  They taped wire around my flap on my neck so it was clear in the CT scan.
The flap looks really good... right?
I had to hold on tight to some handles to pull my shoulders down so they had a better shot at my neck.  Then they took this warmed blue plastic to mold the mask out of.  I had to stay very still while they molded it around my face.  It is very tight fitting.  Apparently even facial hair messes it up and men have to shave before they can be fitted for their mask.

After the mask hardened they fixed me down, did a quick CT scan, took it off and gave me a tour of the radiation center.  Should all be very simple next time I am there.

By the way... I named my mask.  It is called 'The Tardis'.


  1. Which means that while other people are just getting radiation, you'll be traveling through dimensions. Sweet.
